support krakelee

A coll­ec­ti­ve club pro­ject thri­ves on the sup­port of many. Learn how you can sup­port krakelee here.

Become a comrade

Genos­sen­schaft bedeu­tet gemein­schaft­lich Wirt­schaf­ten. Mit dem Erwerb min­des­tens eines Genos­sen­schafts­an­teils wirst du För­der­mit­glied der krakelee eG. Als Genoss*in bist du Teil eines kol­lek­tiv-geführ­ten Unter­neh­mens und ermög­lichst die Ver­wirk­li­chung des krakelee club. Min­des­tens ein­mal im Jahr wird es außer­dem eine Par­ty nur für Genoss*innen geben. 

Find out here why »club as a cooperative« makes sense:

Why beco­me a comrade?

co-finance krakelee club

Um krakelee club zu rea­li­sie­ren und ein Gelän­de anmie­ten zu kön­nen, benö­ti­gen wir Kapi­tal. Die­ses akqui­rie­ren wir durch Genos­sen­schafts­an­tei­le, sowie Spen­den und Nach­rang­dar­le­hen von Supporter*innen. Wenn du dir vor­stel­len kannst, krakelee eG mit­zu­fi­nan­zie­ren, mel­de dich bei uns!

Would you like to co-finance?

Help finding a location

We look on the usu­al por­tals and take walks all over Colo­gne. Howe­ver, we’­ve noti­ced that direct cont­acts and per­so­nal tips are the most suc­cessful. Any sug­ges­ti­ons are appreciated. 

our requi­re­ments

Consulting and Know-How

Do you have expe­ri­ence with tax law for gas­tro­no­my or coope­ra­ti­ves, per­son­nel manage­ment, acqui­ring sub­si­dies, noi­se pro­tec­tion, or con­ver­ting spaces for enter­tain­ment pur­po­ses (inclu­ding clubs in Colo­gne)? If so, we would app­re­cia­te your assis­tance in ans­we­ring our ques­ti­ons. Plea­se feel free to cont­act us at

Stay up to date

Sign up for our news­let­ter or fol­low us on face­book and insta­gram at @krakeleeclub.


You are a collective, for example in the areas of awareness, security or party and want to cooperate with us? Get in touch with us!

Why support krakelee? 

1. Colo­gne needs clubs: Colo­gne’s club cul­tu­re has been thin­ned out mas­si­ve­ly in recent years and with it the venues of the inde­pen­dent sce­ne. We want to make a state­ment against the sell-out of crea­ti­ve free spaces.

2. The club sce­ne needs to evol­ve: We hope to see vibrant repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of women*, LGBTIQ* and BIPoC on the dance­f­lo­or and turntables. 

3. Clubs are coun­ter spaces: through clubs you can expe­ri­ence soli­da­ri­ty and tog­e­ther­ness regard­less of social cons­traints. We want ever­yo­ne to have a chan­ce to be a part of this.

4. A coope­ra­ti­ve club: A club is a com­mu­ni­ty whe­re ever­yo­ne is respon­si­ble for each other’s well-being through their actions, which is simi­lar to our coope­ra­ti­ve approach. We’­re start­ing a com­pa­ny tha­t’s coll­ec­tively run, with trans­pa­rent decis­i­on-making and flat hier­ar­chies. In co-ope­ra­ti­ves, which are seen as a very ste­ady legal struc­tu­re, we com­bi­ne finan­cial effi­ci­en­cy with social accoun­ta­bi­li­ty and action based on soli­da­ri­ty. As a co-ope­ra­ti­ve, we aim to demons­tra­te that working col­la­bo­ra­tively rather than just for pro­fits is achievable.

5. And of cour­se: dancing and good music! Sure, we love good music and wild raves. We pro­vi­de extra­or­di­na­ry par­ties, a diver­se line-up and exci­ting musi­cal perspectives.

By the way, until the club beco­mes a rea­li­ty, we our­sel­ves are working com­ple­te­ly unpaid.