01.10.2022, 20:00 | Kulturbunker Mühlheim
LEYLEY | Timcheh e. V. x krakelee
We were so excited to share our next event with you. However, the current news from Iran have left us with feelings of sadness, fear, anger, and at the same time – hope. Let’s keep ourselves informed about the current events and spread them among our friends, families and communities. We dedicate this event to all the women* who have been fighting for their lives and freedom.
Timcheh e. V.
ژین – ژیان – آزادی
زن – زندگی – آزادی
Woman – Life – Freedom
»LeyLey« (intern. Kinderspiel / dt. »Himmel und Hölle«): Wir tanzen im und außerhalb des Vierecks.
Timcheh e. V. hat vier aufstrebende Künstlerinnen aus Teheran, Köln und Berlin eingeladen, die sich der elektronischen Musik unterschiedlichster Spielarten verschrieben haben. An den Decks, im Studio oder im Radio reißen sie Genregrenzen zwischen Leftfield House, Broken Beats, Techno und Bassmusik ein, stets auf der Suche nach dem Verbindenden, der Queerness und neuen musikalischen Welten. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von krakelee, einem Kollektiv, das seit zwei Jahren daran arbeitet, einen linken, kollektiv verwalteten und genossenschaftlich finanzierten Technoclub in Köln zu etablieren. Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden musikalischen Abend, bei dem Sexismus, Rassismus, Homophobie und andere diskriminierende Verhaltensweisen nichts zu suchen haben.
Tickets gibt es an der Abendkasse. Spendenempfehlung: 7–13 €.
»LeyLey« – meaning the ›hopscotch‹ children’s game: We’re dancing in- and outside of squares.
Timcheh e. V. has invited four aspiring female artists from Teheran, Berlin and Cologne, all dedicated to a wide array of different electronic dance music styles. On the decks, in the studio or in their radio shows, they like to tear down borders between genres like Leftfield House, Broken Beats, Techno and Bass Music; always looking for connections, queerness and new sonic worlds. The night is supported by krakelee collective, which is working on establishing a left-wing/progressive, collectively run & financed techno club in Cologne.We’re looking forward to an exciting night, free of sexism, racism, homophobia and other discriminating behaviours.
Tickets will be available at the door. We recommend a donation of 7–13 €.
Line Up
MONIBI (she/they)
Monibi is a club DJ, radio host, and music producer based in Berlin. Born in France, former Scottish resident, adopted German. Bass music and leftfield house music often shine in Monibi’s DJ sets. She takes inspiration from the old-school NY open-format school of DJing: she joins the dots of the dance music spectrumfavouring vibe over genre dogmatism. The vibe is retrofuturistic, embracing queerness, and inviting colourful mystic journeys.
Instagram | facebook | soundcloud | residentadvisor | bandcamp
Music Producer / Dj / Founder & Manager Of DeepHouse Tehran. Nesa Azadikhah (1984) is a Tehran based Dj, music producer, composer, soundartist, and musician. From playing Tonbak and Daf at the age of sixteen in underground dance circles, she has established herself as one of Tehran’s most in demand electronic music and sound artists and composers around. She is the founder/owner and managing director of DeepHouse Tehran and promotes Iranian electronic musicians.
Instagram | facebook | soundcloud | beatport
SAVSANNAH (she/her)
Cali-born, Cologne-based Savsannah aspires to bring people together through music, community building, and writing. Over the past six years, she’s grown as an artist and has found herself in different pockets of the city, such as hosting her bi-monthly dublab DE radio show »This Must Be The Place«, co-founding the contemporary pop-focused label Safe Space Records, and also co-founding the queer-feminist collective, cumming. In the past two years, she started DJing at various venues and parties in Cologne, focusing her sets on creating a welcoming space where listeners can escape to another world and feel an array of emotions. She conveys this through the different genres that weave in and out of her sets in hopes that everyone feels loved, included, and connected.
Instagram | facebook | soundcloud | mixcloud | residentadvisor
Sharlie (she/her)
Born in Paris and lives in Cologne, explores various musical genres in a musical connection that knows no boundaries. Her musical identity lies in a mixture of organic assemblages with tribal sounds, acid bass and world pop, but also transcendent experimental music.