
If Marie is not in the DJ booth spin­ning records, you most likely find her on the floor.

Though high­ly respec­ted by her fel­low jockeys for her mixing style and impec­ca­ble skill at that, she’s a fan first and a club kid at heart – which seems to be a major reason for her abili­ty to imme­dia­te­ly con­nect with dif­fe­rent kinds of crowds in various set­tings. As a DJ, Marie is known for her dyna­mic and enga­ging sets, which seam­less­ly blend tog­e­ther dif­fe­rent styl­es of house music. Her per­for­man­ces have taken her to some of the most pres­ti­gious fes­ti­vals, inclu­ding FUSION, GARBICZ or NACHTIVILLE and Clubs like Frankfurt’s ROBERT JOHNSON, Hamburg’s PUDEL or Berlin’s HEIDEGLÜHEN, to name just a few. Dabb­ling in beat making and pro­duc­tion for quite a while now, Man­ches­ter based record label »DREAMING FOREVER« signed Marie for her first 12“Vinyl EP entit­led IVY BLUES.

Despi­te her gro­wing suc­cess, Marie remains groun­ded and focu­sed on her art, con­stant­ly pushing hers­elf to evol­ve and expe­ri­ment with new sounds and tech­ni­ques. With her uni­que style and infec­tious ener­gy, Marie Lung is defi­ni­te­ly an artist to watch.


kra­kee­len gegen rechts – Soli­par­ty für anti­ras­sis­ti­sche Initiative

10.05.2024, 23:59 @yucaclub

AMSL (E.P.I.Q) @amsllamsll
Cui­sine (Cui­sine Records) @cuisine.records
Marie Lung @marie__lung

VVK ab sofort: ab 14€ (Link in Bio)
Abend­kas­se: 16€—20€

Gewin­ne am Ein­lass gehen an das Pro­jekt »Viel­falt ver­bin­den – Raven gegen Ras­sis­mus« und »AnFan­gAn e.V.«. Ein wei­te­rer Ver­ein wird im Rah­men der Ver­an­stal­tung bekannt gegeben.