
Praq­ma is an elec­tro­nic music pro­du­cer and DJ who blends ele­ments of house and tech­no into a tem­po­ra­ry uto­pia to escape the imper­fec­tion of the world. His style is best descri­bed as ambi­ent or mini­mal kdub tech­no, while his sets mean­der bet­ween the ten­si­on of ske­wed and bro­ken mono­t­o­ny and the reli­ef of deep and… praq­ma-flo­co­lo­res-odo­ni­en weiterlesen

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»Good days for new music«New expe­ri­ments, new gen­res, new vibes: oskø (born and grown up in West-Ger­­ma­­ny) is mixing vinyl for ten years. They star­ted mixing with an age of 15 and had seve­ral resi­den­ces in Ger­ma­ny in Clubs like Goe­the­bun­ker (Essen,DE), Salon des Ama­teurs (Düs­sel­dorf) or Druck­luft (Oberhausen,DE). lnspi­red by the diver­si­ty of Ger­man… osko-ephie-odo­ni­en weiterlesen

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Kei­kee is a DJ and Elec­tro­nic Dance Music Pro­du­cer from Seo­ul, South Korea, clo­se­ly con­nec­ted to the Cir­cle Rota­ry coll­ec­ti­ve, and a fami­li­ar pre­sence on the decks at the clubs of the vibrant under­ground sce­ne, such as Cake­shop, Con­tra, Soap, Pistil (Seo­ul) and Out­put (Bus­an). Within just a few months after relo­ca­ting to Colo­gne in… kei­kee-har­mon-odo­ni­en weiterlesen

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Lena Wil­li­kens doesn’t play the hits. When she’s behind the decks, even her big­gest fans often have no idea exact­ly what she’s play­ing, and that’s part of the magic. Like all DJs, Wil­li­kens of cour­se has a pas­si­on for records, but she’s also after some­thing big­ger, some­thing that’s tru­ly trans­por­ti­ve for tho­se on the dance­f­lo­or.… lena-odo­ni­en weiterlesen

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kra­ke­lee­club goes Odo­ni­en! withE­PHIE (Goe­the­bun­ker)flo­co­lo­res (krakelee)Har­mon | DJ Set (Mood­fa­mi­ly)Kei­kee (Fei­nes Tier)Lena Wil­li­kens (Salon des Ama­teurs)oskø (Kom­pakt)Praq­ma | LIVE (krakelee) Fr. 07.06.2024, 23:00–08:00 @odonien Tickets (link in bio): 16–20€box office: 18–22€ [Ger­man below]As long as we don’t have a sui­ta­ble loca­ti­on for our coll­ec­ti­ve tech­no club, we’ll be orga­ni­s­ing par­ties in other Colo­gne clubs – to… odonien0706 weiterlesen

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All of us – inclu­ding the guests – crea­te the atmo­sphe­re of a par­ty tog­e­ther. To ensu­re that ever­yo­ne can par­ty free­ly and care­free, we (the krakelee team) have drawn up a code of con­duct for our events. Plea­se read it careful­ly befo­re atten­ding. If you have any pro­blems or uncer­tain­ties during an event, plea­se… code-of-con­duct weiterlesen

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If Marie is not in the DJ booth spin­ning records, you most likely find her on the flo­or. Though high­ly respec­ted by her fel­low jockeys for her mixing style and impec­ca­ble skill at that, she’s a fan first and a club kid at heart – which seems to be a major reason for her abili­ty to… gegen­Rechts­Ma­rie­Lung weiterlesen

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Influen­ced by the instru­ment she lear­ned to play at the age of 10: the drums, AMSL was fasci­na­ted by per­cus­sive sounds and rhyth­ms from an ear­ly age. When she star­ted recor­ding DJ mixes in 2018, her sound was main­ly influen­ced by artists from the UK fun­ky sce­ne. Today, AMSL‘s sets ser­ve a broad, cross-gen­­re field of… gegen­Rechts weiterlesen

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»Cui­sine DJ team ser­ves you house music straight out­ta Zoll­stock! As an entrée, head wai­ter DJ H0TLINE pre­pa­res a lively mix of Dis­co and Funk. After­wards, our maît­re Chill­roy Velas­quez brings his visi­on of Chi­ca­go House to the turn­ta­bles – dir­ty and deep like in 1994. The des­sert gets dan­ge­rous: head chef Vis­ky flam­bés fun­ky… gegen­Rechts­Cui­sine weiterlesen

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kra­kee­len gegen rechts – Soli­par­ty für anti­ras­sis­ti­sche Initia­ti­ve Fr, 10.05.2024, 23:59–07:00 Uhr@yucaclub Boo­king:AMSL (E.P.I.Q) @amsllamsllCui­sine (Cui­sine Records) @cuisine.recordsMarie Lung @marie__lung Gewin­ne am Ein­lass gehen an das Pro­jekt »Viel­falt ver­bin­den – Raven gegen Ras­sis­mus« und »AnFan­gAn e.V.«. Ein wei­te­rer Ver­ein wird im Rah­men der Ver­an­stal­tung bekannt gege­ben.—— Im Mai kra­kee­len wir gegen Rechts! Seit den Recher­chen… gegen­Rechts weiterlesen

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