
»Good days for new music«
New expe­ri­ments, new gen­res, new vibes: oskø (born and grown up in West-Ger­ma­ny) is mixing vinyl for ten years. They star­ted mixing with an age of 15 and had seve­ral resi­den­ces in Ger­ma­ny in Clubs like Goe­the­bun­ker (Essen,DE), Salon des Ama­teurs (Düs­sel­dorf) or Druck­luft (Oberhausen,DE). lnspi­red by the diver­si­ty of Ger­man Tech­no music, oskø tri­es to find the con­nec­tions bet­ween the sounds from Ham­burg, Frank­furt, Köln and Ber­lin. From melo­dic sphe­res to breaky rhyth­ms and pup­py tech­no sounds.

Recent­ly oskø optai­ned mul­ti­ple guests at radio sta­ti­ons like Rin­se FM and Lyl Radio. oskø is a mem­ber of the France based Azu­ir­um Collectif.


EPHIE’s deve­lo­p­ment as a musi­ci­an star­ted in the Ruhr Area and took her to Colo­gne some years ago. She per­for­med all around the coun­try and abroad, hit­ting dif­fe­rent places such as Fusi­on Fes­ti­val, Feel Fes­ti­val, Tresor.West or Leipzig’s infa­mous Insti­tut fuer Zukunft.

Sin­ce she is one of tho­se artists who dis­co­ver­ed her dedi­ca­ti­on to Tech­no on the dance­f­lo­or, you will always reco­gni­ze EPHIE’s strong con­nec­ti­vi­ty to the crowd, even being pla­ced insi­de the booth behind the decks.
At the begin­ning of 2018 EPHIE joi­n­ed the Goe­the­bun­ker fami­ly in Essen by beco­ming a Resi­dent. Sin­ce her rela­ti­onship to the club has been very spe­cial for many years, the kick­off of her resi­den­cy felt like “coming home”.
EPHIE’s sound can pre­cis­e­ly be descri­bed as very powerful and floa­ting tech­no mixed with breakbeats.

krakelee club @odonien
07.06., 23:00
tickets via link in bio